ASP.NET (C#) Contact Form

Probably the most common page at any kind of website is the contact form! There is a ton of examples on the internet but many of them are under payment, step by step generators, joomla extensions, php scripts which required donations etc etc and lots of things that frustrates the most simple but important way to get in touch or feedback a website owner.

After that waste of time and the lack of an ASP.NET contact form I started to build my own and use it for my website and my (this) blog.

.NET framework provides a class library simplifies the way we send e-mail and it packed under System.Net.Mail.

I won't describe the process but I'll give you this form as example and the source code for download. It's very easy to manipulate, all you need is to build it and edit the settings in WebAppConfig.xml file.

Then you can add an iframe to a custom page and code it like this...
<iframe src="" width=100% height=340px frameborder=0 allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
the result should be look like this...