Quick and simple step by step ensymble guide for Windows

This tutorial is intended for a group of people that they're not programmers or they're new to PyS60 and like to experiment making .sis applications for mobile phones. There's a lot of documentation on the internet about ensymble but not a single simple step by step guide.

So the steps we have to follow to built a .sis file are:

1) Download and install OpenSSL for Windows.

2) Download ensymble python script unzip it and copy it to OpenSSL folder (something like: C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\ensymble_python2.5-0.26.py).

3) Also copy your python script to OpenSSL folder and run ensymble command on the command prompt:
python ensymble_python2.5-0.26.py py2sis --uid=0xE0000000 --appname=your_app_name --version=1.0.0 your_app_name.py your_app_name.sisnow you have probably successfully build your .sis file. Also, be sure that you have path your python directory.

4) Go to Open Signed Online and fill the required fields.

5) You'll get an email with a signed sis file.

6) Install it on your phone and enjoy it!

Good luck!

Ensymble: http://ensymble.googlecode.com
Ensymble readme: http://code.google.com/p/ensymble/wiki/Welcome?tm=6
OpenSSL: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/openssl.htm
Open signed online: https://www.symbiansigned.com/app/page/public/openSignedOnline.do